Bring your history, Spain!

2017-01-16 @ 11:30 – 13:00
Archivo Histórico Eclesiástico de Bizkaia
Larrauri Kalea
1, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia

Benito Moya and Jorge Vila….

Históry from the Valley and Argentina

CaptureToday, the Archivo Histórico Eclesiástico de Bizkaia (AHEB-BEHA) organizes a very special event: one of their users who lives in Argentina found – with the help of the dedicated AHEB-BEHA staff – information on his relatives in the documents kept at the archive and was thus able to learn more about his family’s and his own history! Thankful and overcome with joy, he decided to pay the archive a visit in order to present it with his book on his research results and inspire others to start their own exciting journey into their own family’s past.

Click here for the official invitation