co:op@IMC Leeds 2016

2016-07-04 – 2016-07-07 all-day
University of Leeds
West Yorkshire LS2 9JT
Vereinigtes Königreich

CaptureOn 04 July 2016 our colleagues from the University of Naples Federico II (IT) will present recent research on the documents of Southern Italy during the Norman and Hohenstaufen periods within the session “Southern Italy in the Norman and Staufen Periods, III: Documents and Digital Technologies” at the International Medieval Congress (IMC) 2016 in Leeds (UK).

The session is organised by Antonella Ambrosio (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Napoli – Federico II). In particular there will be two papers by participants in our digital edition of the charters of S. Maria della Grotta:

  • Vera Schwarz-Ricci (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Napoli – Federico II) will talk about “Digital Editions and Digital Archives of Charters: The Case of the Abbey Santa Maria della Grotta of Vitulano, Benevento”
  • Paola Massa (Dipartimento di Scienze librarie e documentarie, Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’) will speak of “The Private Deeds of the Abbey of Santa Maria della Grotta: Patterns and Functions in Notarial Practices, 10th-13th Centuries”.
  • Last but not least, Adele di Lorenzo (Institut d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance, Collège de France, Paris) will talk about “Donations pro anima in Greek Private Deeds in Southern Italy under the Normans during the 12th Century”.

Click here for the programme