Inauguration of the topotheque Berettyóújfalu (HU)

2016-06-18 all-day
Bihari Múzeum
Kálvin tér 1
4100 Hungary

Inauguration of the first Hungarian topotheque Berettyóújfalu


The Herpály tower.

The first Hungarian topoteque has been established within the cooperation between the Local Government of Berettyóújfalu City and the Budapest City Archives. On 18 June 2016 the topotheque Berettyóújfalu will officially go online and be freely accessible for the general public.

This event is being celebrated within a “Bring your history day” organized within the EU-funded project “co:op“, inviting the interested public and the community of Berettyóújfalu to join the celebration.


The topotheque managers of  “Berettyóújfalu” will first present the over 150 documents already available in their topotheque and are happy to share their experiences with the attending audience. All participants are warmly invited to bring along their own private archival material such as letters, photos, documents, recorderd material etc. to be added to the topotheque and shared with the community, if they wish.

Click here to visit the topotheque Berettyóújfalu