Round Table

The Bavarian State Archives digitized the complete collection of charters of the monastery of St. Emmeram within the framework of the EU-funded project “community as opportunity – co:op”.
The collection comprises 5000 charters dated between 794 to 1800 and will soon be made available online.
By taking the example of this corpus of source material, the workshop intends to bring together research questions and technical exploitation models.
Programme and registration
This round table is divided into two sessions: the first session will focus on a variety of scientific contributions dealing with the history of the monastery. Special attention is paid to workshop reports, individual findings and/or micro histories.
The second session presents a number of transcription and editing/annotation services which can be applied directly on the digitized documents of the monastery of St. Emmeram.
Finally, the round table will be rounded off by an open discussion tackling the question of how sources material can be useful for everyone.
Please find the complete programme (in German) as well as the registration form here.