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2017-06-12 – 2017-06-14 all-day
Cologne Center for eHumanities
Universitätsstraße 22
50937 Köln

Within the EU-funded project „co:op – community as opportunity“ the Cologne Center for eHumanities will organize a MOM-Tool-Summer-School from 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE).

MOM-Tool-Summer-School?! Just a tongue twister? By no means.

In a MOM-Tool-Summer-School you will be able to learn about the applicabilities of the Monasterium portal – from basic introductions to state-of-the-art newly implemented features. In just three days you´ll get to learn all you need and wish to know about the Monasterium portal!

So far the planned learning opportunities include:

  • Introduction into charters management
  • Set-up of one´s own collections / charters
  • Edit in EditMOM 3
  • Possibly a local MOMathon

Sounds like plenty of opportunities to get involved! Programme available here.